NX NextTwin

Next-generation simulation

By integrating NX NextMotion into simulation environments, known as NX NextTwin, autonomous systems (AD-Stacks) can communicate virtually through a multiredundant and secure interface that is also used in real vehicles. This technology allows the insights gained in simulation to be seamlessly transferred to the real world, enabling vehicles with advanced autonomous systems to operate safely and fully autonomously on public roads

Benefits of the NX NextTwin solution

Development interface for steer-by-wire functions

Our comprehensive development interface provides a powerful solution for all steer-by-wire functions. Seamless integration and a user-friendly interface enable developers to work efficiently and design innovative control systems for modern vehicles.

Comprehensive testing: From SIL to road

With NX NextTwin, we accelerate the entire testing cycle: from the digital twin as a sparring partner through Software-in-the-Loop (SIL) and Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) tests to the test vehicle on the road. We start with the digital twin to optimize all functions in a simulated environment. The software is then thoroughly tested in a controlled virtual environment. During HIL testing, we evaluate the software with real hardware components on the test bench. Finally, we test the systems in the real vehicle on the road. This iterative process ensures that our solutions are reliable, safe, and fully validated.

Pre-application on the digital twin

Thanks to our advanced technology, vehicles can be tested and optimized on the digital twin before their physical existence. This allows for early error detection and correction, as well as fine-tuning of control algorithms in a safe virtual environment.

Seamless transfer to the real vehicle

Applications developed and tested on the digital twin can be directly transferred to the real vehicle. This seamless transfer saves time and costs while minimizing the risk of errors when transitioning from the virtual to the real vehicle.

Switching from simulation mode to real mode

In the real vehicle, our technology offers the unique ability to switch between simulation mode and real mode. This allows for test drives with road approval and ensures that all systems can be verified under real conditions. We can ensure that the steer-by-wire functions are reliable and safe in real-world driving.

Current challenges: Interface integration

Currently, there are no coherent interfaces between the real and simulation worlds, leading to significant challenges. The existing interfaces and signals are constantly changing, complicating the development and testing of vehicle controls. Additionally, many of these interfaces are often unavailable for simulation, further widening the gap between virtual and real test environments.

Limitations of testing with prototyping boxes

Vehicles equipped with prototyping boxes can only be tested on closed grounds and under strict conditions. These limitations hinder extensive and realistic tests that are essential for validating new technologies.

Increased risk for test drivers

Another major issue is the high residual risk for test drivers. The increased likelihood of system failures poses a significant risk. This not only complicates the work of test drivers but also delays the development of safe and reliable vehicle systems.

The current challenges highlight the need for a unified and stable interface solution that functions reliably in both the real and simulation worlds. Only then can we significantly improve safety and efficiency in vehicle development and testing.

NX NextMotion
One step ahead

Our flexible modular system enables the implementation of any drive, steer or brake-by-wire requirements, right through to revolutionary system-on-chip (SoC) solutions.

Rolf Gramenske
Director Technical Sales